Feeling connected in some way with our favorite reality Boob tube stars is actually very normal. Sometimes it'southward simply their personality and charisma that we like, other times information technology'southward their life's story, profession or meaningful actions that concenter united states of america to them so much, that we eventually end up caring about their well-being and life off-camera.

Knowing all of this, it'southward no wonder why the audience gets then worried when someone from a testify they similar of a sudden stops appearing in it. Sometimes these disappearances are fully explained, but other times it leaves people with many questions unanswered.

The latter case describes well what happened to Jason Hawk from "Mount Men", in which he had been a recurring cast fellow member for years.

So what happened to him? Is it truthful he'south seriously sick? Continue with u.s. to know the whereabouts of this memorable "Mountain Men" cast member.


  • 1 Why Did He Leave The Show?
  • 2 What Is Happening To Him?
  • 3 What About His Business
  • 4 Other Health Problems
  • 5 Who Is Jason Hawk
    • 5.1 Career Of Tv set
    • 5.2 His Tattoos
    • 5.iii Family
    • 5.4 Net Worth
  • 6 Is "Mountain Men" Real?
  • vii Who Else Take Left The Testify?

Why Did He Leave The Show?

Although the product staff of "Mountain Men" didn't exactly denote Jason Militarist was out of the testify, it wasn't necessary. His last appearance in it was in early 2021 for the 9th flavor's episode "Tornado Alley", in which a storm pushed him to put his homebuilding plans on hold. Though dorsum and then there wasn't whatever indication of Jason possibly leaving the show, a couple of months later he was nowhere to be seen during the so recently-premiered "Mount Men"s tenth season.

Seeing that the episode was filmed several months before, it totally makes sense that in Jan 2021, Jason's wife Mary Fricchione affirmed their contract with History channel wasn't renewed. Equally expected, she didn't explain the network'south reasoning for cut her family out of the bear witness similar that, only her declarations weren't meant every bit a demand to be taken back by "Mountain Men" either. Actually, it was meant to address a more pressing thing, which was Jason'southward cancer diagnosis, and their family'southward financial struggle to pay for his treatment.

Unfortunately, there's no style of knowing if Jason would render to the series sometime in the future. All the same, while actualization in information technology would surely exist economically beneficial for him, the wisest option he could make is to recover fully first before returning.

What Is Happening To Him?

While we're surely going to miss Jason Militarist'south appearances in "Mountain Men", what truly worries his fans correct now is his wellness.

Apparently, Jason had been struggling with severe pain for at to the lowest degree a year before being diagnosed with a cancerous tumor in an unspecified place in late 2020. While his wife Mary assured that the cancer hadn't spread, its advanced land made information technology mandatory for him to undergo months of chemotherapy to care for the tumor, and hopefully destroy it.

Later in January 2021, Mary affirmed Jason's chemotherapy treatment had been hard to endure, and left him unable to move, or eat much. Despite the pain though, he apparently had practiced days in which he felt well enough to work or motion around his homestead.

Past starting an online funding campaign, Jason and his wife were able to collect enough money to afford the initial costs of his medical treatment. However, equally not even one-half of their $130,000 goal was met, it'south very possible they're still in need of money as of at present.

Unfortunately, since early 2021, news related to Jason's health hasn't been known, as both he and Mary are absent-minded from social media, leaving u.s.a. to simply hope his recovery went well.

What Most His Concern

It's a well known fact that as well his salary from Tv set, Jason Hawk'due south craftsmanship business – Outlaw Forge Works – also contributed a large function of his family's income. Nevertheless, seeing the Hawk family unit struggling so hard to pay for his medical treatment, people wondered what could accept happened to his shop.

Nonetheless, it'south obvious that Jason's health diagnosis is severe enough to button him out of his business organization activities, especially since his illness prevents him from performing his adroitness and knife making skills.

Mary also confirmed the malignant tumor in his torso had made his job routine difficult to endure, long before his diagnosis even came to light.

As a second confirmation of this, the articles listed on his Outlaw Forge Works online store are currently out of stock, in improver to the business organization' Instagram page'southward lack of updates.

Other Health Problems

Prior to existence diagnosed with cancer, Jason Hawk had worried his fans for a while due to a seemingly serious hand injury in early on 2020.

Despite how much of an adept blacksmith he is, accidents are always possible when you work with heavy or sharp tools. This is how Jason broke several hand bones while using a grinder to sharpen a knife he was working on, causing a fracture which prevented him from using several tools for a while, in addition to impeding him from working at his taller or doing other simpler activities with it.

Fortunately for him, Mary Fricchione was his perfect right hand while enduring the situation. Though as "Mountain Men"south audience saw in the show, Jason wasn't i to just sit and wait for others. Equally before long equally his injury became less difficult to endure, he went on to gear up traps for wild dogs, and even resumed his piece of work in the shop, not caring if the proven dangerous grinder hurt him again. In the end, his injury was simply left behind equally an unimportant incident.

Who Is Jason Hawk

You might know him for his appearances in "Mount Men", only Jason Hawk's actual debut on Idiot box was back in 2014, in History channel'southward show "No Human's Land".

Unfortunately, his path in the serial was short, equally the series simply lasted a flavour before existence cancelled, for apparently 'non resonating with the audience'. And then Jason was given some other take a chance to build his path as a reality Goggle box star, from the fourth season of "Mountain Men".

Jason Hawk

His first appearance saw Jason and his family packing up their holding to move to an isolated cabin in Arkansas. They had been living near the Sonoran Desert, but their struggles to obtain food played a major role in moving to the afar Ozark Mountains.

Though the chief reason the Hawks moved was to make their life less difficult, information technology didn't mean they were abandoning their lifestyle. Saying no to any type of commodity, Hawk's new homestead didn't accept electricity and fifty-fifty less a heating system. The lack of running water and and then modern plumbing was also noticeable, but if Jason'south words concord any truth, so the cabin'due south condition couldn't have been more perfect for him and his family unit's self-sufficient path.

Career Of Television set

Jason Militarist'due south skills as a hunter and survivalist are what gained him a spot in "Mount Men". Nonetheless, craftsmanship is an of import part of his life likewise.

As it happens, his dearest for creating items started very early in his life. Past working in his father's store, Jason adult the necessary skills to create all types of articles, including tools and leather clothes. His thirst to farther his noesis in the art also took him to travel the world, apparently even going every bit far as to visit Japan's rural areas to learn new skills.

While his travels more often than not happened when he was still very young, his passion for blacksmithing actually prepare his path in the correct direction. It was this specific fine art that motivated him to get a Master Smith, nether the guidance of the highly awarded Tai Goo in 2016.

Defining his creations as a mix between usability and the traditional rusty expect of old times, Jason surely lets his works express his grapheme and creativeness.

His Tattoos

While most "Mountain Men" bandage members ordinarily take certain enigmatic details most them, very few things take so much attention in the show as Jason Hawk's face tattoos.

The meaning of these marks have been a mystery for long, leading some people to conjecture that they have cultural implications.

As expected, Jason's face up markings have taken so many people'south attention, that it they've become a topic of give-and-take on fan forums. Although information technology'southward suspected that the nighttime lines under his eyes are a Navajo tradition, there'due south no proof of Jason's connection to that civilization, resulting in more speculation that whatever those markings are, they're virtually likely not tattoos but scars.

Seeing that Jason hasn't bothered to clear up any misconceptions almost this, in improver to the fact there are several pics on the cyberspace in which he isn't sporting these lines, so it's hard to definitely conclude what they are or mean.


As any guy who gives his best at everything, it'due south normal to suppose Jason Hawk is a great family unit guy.

Jason Militarist

Though in that location's no way of knowing everything about his previous partners, unless he's forthcoming with data, but it's known that his oldest son Kamui is the product of a relationship he had several years prior to meeting his now wife Mary Fricchione.

Information technology's not known when exactly Jason and Mary started dating, but judging past their Facebook posts from years agone, information technology seems their relationship dates dorsum to at least 2008, when their first daughter River was born. What is known with certainty, is that the couple tied the knot in 2015.

Jason's son Kamui, or Kai, as his father calls him, is actually learning blacksmithing skills from his male parent. Every bit seen in a "Mountain Men" episode premiered in 2019, Kai openly showed his interest in following the family unit's traditions, something his begetter appreciates dearly.

Net Worth

As it should be obvious, an platonic and experienced mountain human shouldn't care about money.

The reason is that adopting such an out-of-the-norm lifestyle inherently implies that providing for themselves, building their own houses and living off the land are skills utterly necessary, leaving near modern bolt superfluous, simply then with no expense.

Notwithstanding, there's nothing wrong with accepting a dainty pay-check if it's only for showing how it is to alive in the most isolated mountains of the The states.

However, while information technology's rumored that Jason Militarist earned around $30,000 per "Mountain Men" episode, this number is most likely an exaggeration, especially considering the financial difficulties his family unit has recently been going through. Though his earnings from Outlaw Forge Works are unknown, it's assumed that Jason's estimated net worth is $400,000.

Is "Mountain Men" Existent?

It's axiomatic that "Mountain Men" is certainly one of the less drama-filled reality shows out there.

Notwithstanding, this doesn't make the series any less deserving of criticism when it comes to its authenticity.

Opinions are varied when it comes to determining if "Mountain Men" is a staged series, or if its cast members are actual survivalists. Situations such as Rich Lewis losing his dogs upwards in the mountains too many times, or Jason'due south onetime Facebook pics which showing him living a seemingly comfy life, are surely good reasons for mistrusting the testify'south premise.

While it'south probable no ane volition ever openly say if everything we see on screen is real, Jason's fellow cast member Tom Oar admitted back in 2013 that the post-production staff makes the series wait more exciting than information technology really was. In his words, he's simply 'too irksome' in existent life if compared to what "Mount Men" made him look like, meaning the staff exaggerates his scenes for viewing sake.

Though this isn't a conclusive answer to whether "Mount Men" is completely existent or not, at least Tom's declarations volition once again brand u.s. think securely of what reality TV is nearly.

Who Else Take Left The Show?

As well Jason Militarist, there are many other "Mountain Men" bandage members who have left the show in some way or another.

For starters, the veteran survivalist Marty Meierotto left back in the 8th season to spend more time with his girl. In the sixth season, Rich Lewis abandoned the series, alleging that he was 'besides old', a announcement which surely his fans didn't concur with. Prior to it, Charlie Tucker left after season three, merely never bothered to say why.

Though Eustace Conway is still part of the series' cast, he has expressed his desire to retire from working in his Turtle Isle Preserve besides, significant that his presence in the testify could be direct afflicted by this.

All in all, any happens to the show in the hereafter, we surely recall the "Mount Men" bandage for their personalities, legacy and even for their questionable actions too.