Home Sweet Home Line Drawing

Drawing Challenge

Home Sweet Home Drawing Challenge

A house is made of walls and beams, but a home is made of love and dreams – our next (and final) challenge presented in partnership with Adobe Stock is based upon this simple truth. We challenge all of you artists, designers, students, chefs, fashionistas, gardeners, hipsters, bookworms, and yogis out there to illustrate the spaces in your home that you hold near and dear to your heart. Whether that's your creative workspace, your yoga room, your plant-filled patio, your kitchen, or even your closet – let's get visual and doodle all the details of your favorite space in your sketchbook (or on your iPad). We encourage you to share your story about what your submission means to you in the caption because after all, home is where the heART is!

* This challenge is Part 3/3 of the Doodle Addicts x Adobe Stock Partnership.


Home Sweet Home Drawing Challenge

Drawing Challenge Winner(s)

Joey Gao Joey Gao

Joey Gao

Home is not simply a collection of my belongings, but where I get lost and found in my own world.

Drawing Challenge Submissions


Julia Hill

There's no better place to sooth your troubles, than a hot, fragrant bath, overflowing with bubbles.....

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Amit Ida

My favorite little corner in the house, where I can create new worlsd

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Paola Lazo Solano

The home where I was born, monsters included

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Priyanka Kadam

Despite having a great desk I always end up working on the couch and coffee table, my messy cozy space in the house I love

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Jo Arnell

Home sweet home, if youre a bird :)

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sandra maher



home sweet home, where I can wear socks, read books and just feel cozy

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Let U Dance

Home is where my plant lives

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Kate mingo

This is my peaceful place to draw. I designed the furniture configuration myself and I love that I have a calm space for working in

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it is a doodle named 'Somewhere under the sky'.

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Jyotika E

My childhood bedroom: my happy place, my quiet place, my whatever-I-want-it-to-be place.

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Jim Bradshaw

Our dining room is my favorite spot in the house for so many reasons. Here are a few. Sunny and filled with plants. There is a bird feeder right outside the window across from the table which provides endless entertainment during meals. Beyond the feeder is a large flower garden with 3 bird baths and a couple of birdhouses. I installed natural pine planks to the walls (not pink) which gives it a cozy cabin feel. A large black table and hutch contrast nice with the light pine and make things look modern and fresh. It's just a great room to hang out in with friends, family or alone. Half the table is usually taken up with my wife Debbie's craft projects which give the room even more creative energy. This illustration started with realistic colors and no extra craziness. I kind of liked it but it didn't look or feel like a Jim pic. So I began fixing that by adding juicy colors but it still wasn't enough. Things I like to draw started to show up, especially my dog Annabelle. BTW, when she begs with her bulgy brown eyes, it's futile to resist. She's a pro and I'm a novice. There's also a nod to Bill Watterson's Calvin & Hobbes (one of my fav comic strips of all time) with Calvin's cereal of choice. It was so much fun watching my brain dump out and fill my favorite room.

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Cindy LeGrand

Our Dining Room is my favorite room in the house. Every family meal we eat at home happens there - breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Meal times are our sacred family time to share our day, our thoughts, our struggles, our successes, etc. We do have a breakfast area. But aside from homework, projects, or reading the newspaper, the breakfast area doesn't get much use unless needed for overflow from the dining room when we have visitors.

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Gwendolyn E. Urquhart

My lounge where I dream up all my best ideas.

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Rebecca Tregear

Drawing in my home studio is the best! Who needs to wear uncomfortable shoes when I can wear slippers ;-) In this picture I literally drew what I could see, and this is a small area of my much larger studio, featuring my drawing board and fish tank off to the side.

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Imaginary Thinking

Home is where the double coffee is.

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Love this corner of the house. A place to relax by the window, to read and have an afternoon tea.

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Namrata Toraskar

Home has always been a utopian reality for me. I've been habituated to transform spaces into a home which allow an inner happiness to blossom. A home in Mumbai is this same utopian reality where skylines are staggered by the concrete competition, food on the plate often smells of the sea and the books are rendered old with the years that see me grow.

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Anna Deligianni


Safiera Wulandari

I've always dreamed a home filled with many plants. The greenery will definitely give a relaxing sense to the room, and that's what I really see a home: a place to relax and give you a peace of mind.

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dream home. medium used are regular pencil, fabercastle color pencils and sketch pen

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Kasia Gala

Here's my favourite part of the house - the chalkboard wall. I just love to draw on it to surprise my guests every time they come!

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steven tu
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Welcome to our crazy Home Sweet Home. The kitchen table is where i start my day. Home to me is my husband and our six cats and COFFEE!

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Tanya Shyika

Dreaming about a plant-filled bedroom

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Nina Leth

This is my work space, with my hand cuddling our rabbit Flomme. He is always so close to me, that I have to look down when I move my feet, so I don't hit him. I look out in the garden a lot and feet the birds, which is a great joy to me. I have recently made the pattern with cucumbers for Redbubbles shop and want It soon as pillows. Then I have my dads old iMac and my Wacom. The mobile with the pineapple, apple and lemon is home made and originally all black. I have added patterns to it all, since that is my main thing for the moment.

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Susan Schanerman

Home is Where My heART is . . .

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My sweet home is a mishmash of everything. Oh, my chicken is in the oven! Oh, my cats are on my table eating my ink! Oh, my mom is calling me! Oh, I put white t-shirts with my blue pajamas in the washing machine! Ok, let's deep breath and give a color to this cute creature on your paper sheet on your table... Oh, chicken!!! That's how I live and that's why I can't draw just my kitchen or my art space. My home is me running from corner to corner like drank crazy flying squirrel ;)

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Alec Edwards

When I started to think of the many ideas of what dwelling meant to me there was one that really stuck. It was this Idea of sewing. I've always had this sense of comfort when sewing. I was introduced to the sewing machine at a pretty young age so natural the craft is that since of home for me as my roots where planted there in the beginning . There were so many ways to go about this idea and by collectively bring together some elements of the materials involved in the craft of sewing. I created this piece that representing a feeling of home sweet home to me, and focusing in on a kind of old fashioned look with the vintage sewing machine and cross stitching canvas.Printmaking is my choice of media. This was done on a 8 X12 Linoleum block and printed on a press.

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gaby manno


Nancy Belle

Our home is all about our pets. We have 3 cats that all have different personalities and my drawing depicts all of their quirks combined. There isn't a corner of any room in our home that is not touched by our fur balls. After all...if you don't have cat hair on you you're not a nice person.

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Housewares I remember through the years.

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Florencia Gavilán


Sanna Pyykkö

In Finland in this moment of August days get shorter and darker towards the end of the year. Outside there is cold, rain, snow. At this point of the year it is great to have some inspiring sources of light and green energy indoors. Aquarium – cube of light and house plants make the perfect surrounding. When you add a pot of tea and a good book you are alright whatever is the case outside.

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Tashfia S.

This the the space where I feel most at home - my work station. It is temporary because I am moving from South Africa back to my home country in Bangladesh but it took me a long time to set up a space where I can sit and draw as I'm constantly moving from one country to another since I was 8. All I need to feel at home are my laptop, graphics tablet, stationary, a desk, a furry friend and a nice view.

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Mark Winter

My studio table is the space at home I spend the most time in. Drawing with ink, fueled by coffee – both fluids used to render this image.

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Frequently Asked Questions

I have the most votes, am I the winner?

Not necessarily. As stated in our guidelines, the public voting from the community helps bring the most popular art submissions to the top. Once the public voting is over, the editorial team at Doodle Addicts (along with the sponsor), will then vote internally from the top group of submissions.

I made a mistake, how do I fix or replace my entry?

You can delete and resubmit your entry anytime before the submission deadline. Just click on the "Replace Image" button below your submission (on the challenge page) to delete your original submission and replace it with your new one.

Am I allowed to have my fans, friends and/or family vote?

Yes, of course. We definitely encourage you to spread the word on your participation in this fun drawing challenge.

There are so many good ones! Can I vote for more than one?

Yes! You can mark one, two, five or all of them as your favorite.

What do you do about cheaters?

Any fake votes we catch will be removed. Let's keep this fun everyone, the prize is just the cherry on top.

Still have questions?

Make sure to read the guidelines and the terms and conditions, most questions are answered there. If something is still not clear, feel free to email us and we'll try to help.

Home Sweet Home Line Drawing

Source: https://www.doodleaddicts.com/drawing-challenges/home-sweet-home-drawing-challenge/

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